Me parece increíble que este espacio, que empezó un poco por casualidad, cumpla hoy diecinueve años desde que empezará el 23 de abril de 2005 su andadura, en un día tan especial para mí como es San Jorge, coincidiendo El Día del Libro y mi santo,
Lo cierto es que con el enfoque de textos más breves, para poder garantizar una presencia constante, me he encontrado mucho más cómodo y he podido seguir usando este espacio como un punto de encuentro con los que estáis desde este lado, donde informaros de las cosas que hago y/o que me gustan.
Así seguiremos, camino de su mayoría de edad, con una presencia que igual deja de ser diaria (lo digo todos los años pero nunca deja de serlo, jaja) pero que me permitirá ir compartiendo con vosotros alguno de los nuevos proyectos en los que ando metido y que están ya a punto de eclosionar.
Nada más me queda recordaros AQUÍ la entrada con la que empezó todo, con una de las tiras de humor gráfico que hacia con David Lafuente, y daros las gracias por vuestra compañía constante, esporádica o casual...
Enhorabuena. Y, como se suele decir, que sean muchos más.
ResponderEliminarJorge. Enhorabuena por tu trabajo de difusión y la elección de artistas.
ResponderEliminarEres un superviviente de los blogspot.
Me has permitido conocer muchas y muchos artistas además diferentes eventos. Y las tiras de un sufrido seguidor del sporting.
It was a beautiful day in the village, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Akko, the chubby and cheerful mouse, was out and about, exploring her surroundings. She was so engrossed in her adventure that she didn't notice the deep well in front of her. Before she knew it, she had fallen into the well and was unable to climb out.
ResponderEliminarThe villagers heard her cries for help and rushed to the well to rescue her. They were shocked when they saw Akko, as she was covered in dirt and grime. But they didn't hesitate to jump into the well to save her.
As they pulled Akko out of the well, the villagers couldn't help but be taken aback by her appearance. She was a mess, with her fur matted and her eyes filled with tears. But despite her appearance, the villagers couldn't help but be charmed by her.
One of the villagers, a kind and gentle woman, leaned down and kissed Akko on the head. Akko purred in delight and let out a loud fart. The villagers laughed and hugged Akko even tighter.
Another villager, a gruff and burly man, reached down and rubbed Akko's belly. Akko let out another fart, this one even louder and more intense. The villagers laughed even harder and Akko couldn't help but chuckle at their reactions.
Despite her unfortunate situation, Akko was happy to be rescued by the kind-hearted villagers. They took her back to their homes and washed her off in a nearby lake. Akko splashed around happily, enjoying the cool water on her hot and dirty body.
The villagers then decided to daub Akko in honey to help soothe her irritated skin. They then carefully wrapped her in a soft blanket and carried her to their homes to nurse her back to health.
Akko was grateful to the villagers for their kindness and compassion. She purred and snuggled up close to them, feeling safe and loved.
But despite their efforts, Akko's health continued to deteriorate. She grew weaker and weaker, until one day she fell from a hill while trying to escape hunters. She died, surrounded by the villagers who had loved and cared for her in her final moments.
The villagers mourned the loss of their beloved Akko, but they knew that she had brought them so much joy and happiness in her short life. They would always remember her as the chubby and cheerful mouse who had been rescued from the well and had touched their hearts in so many ways.
A qué vienen estos comentarios en inglés que se van repitiendo cada dia?
ResponderEliminarSi es una broma, sobrepasa mi sentido del humor !
Enhorabuena, camarada.
ResponderEliminarMe admira tu capacidad de seguir ahí con el blog tras tantos años!